Friday, September 23, 2011

Webcam Models Make Money And Here Is How? - Kiesha Richcreek

webcam models make money and here is how? - kiesha richcreek
webcam models make money and here is how? - kiesha richcreek

Why this book was written? - By: Kiesha Richcreek

Many women in this world have many problems that are either embarrassing or they dont want to feel condemned for the situations in their life. I have been around groups of women that have situations that they feel no one understands and if they did they would judge them or hurt them when they themselves are doing the best they know how!

I have a soft heart with these men & women. These men and women are prostituting, selling drugs, staying in life threatening relationships, and putting themselves (and often their children) in horrific situations. To clear up the rumors, Yes I was a stripper and I have alot to thank God for. He loved me enough to not only keep me alive but pull me through and show me how to help anyone that was lost as I was. Many people dont and wont understand what type of problems some women and men can have. Most of these women and men are single parents. I brought up men because I met the single father willing to support for there kids but cant find a job fast enough.

Most parents do not understand or do not want to know the truth about the problems their children are facing.These issues influence and control their decisions, income,self-esteem, health and the lack of closeness families are intended to have. This ignorance and intolerance sadly blinds mothers and fathers who are normaly the protectors and guides, leaving their children to become lost or worse, victims.

I have tried to help those in my life and those that cross it to the best of my ability and have. I have seen how a little guidance and or advice can turn peoples lives around. Now I have written a book to reach out to those whose paths I would never cross in hopes that my experiences and the knowledge I have learned through pain (both physical and mental) may spare them and help them on their way.More often than not people only need a hand to get on their feet but if no one reaches out we can never rise.


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